A modern solution to a bugbear in public sector procurement.

Be Connected is not just a platform; it’s a strategic tool designed to empower your commercial teams with invaluable insights into your future procurements. Serving as a central repository of procurement data across all government verticals, it provides users with insights to aggregate procurement spend, identify cost-saving opportunities, benchmark spend and contracts, and pinpoint efficiency savings.
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Overview Contracts Register Tool

This tool features over 900+ public sector contract registers, a number that grows daily. With a dedicated team of research analysts ensuring consistent data updates, this wealth of information ensures no opportunity is missed and more opportunities to identify costs and efficiency savings.

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Private Sector

Procure Tools gives clients valuable commercial insights to improve their public sector engagement. Using large datasets and advanced analytics, Procure Tools helps clients make informed decisions, find profitable opportunities, and adapt their public sector strategies. This includes understanding market trends, identifying key decision-makers, and learning about upcoming procurement opportunities.

Public Sector

Procure Tools also partners with public sector organizations, helping them save money and improve operations. Using advanced analytics and predictive modeling, Procure Tools helps these organizations make data-driven procurement decisions, from optimizing sourcing to finding cost savings. This maximizes the value of their procurement while ensuring transparency, accountability, and compliance.

As we continue to evolve and innovate, our core values remain unchanged.

Integrity, transparency, and a relentless commitment to our clients’ success. At Procure Tools, we’re not just a service provider – we’re your trusted strategic partner, dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of public procurement with confidence and clarity.

Be Connected in numbers


Public Sector Organisations


Live Contracts


Months Visibility

Driving Data-Driven Procurement Decisions with Be Connected

Leverage the capabilities of dynamic search, benchmark insights, personalised dashboard, aggregation reports, and dedicated support to drive your procurement towards excellence.

Dynamic Search

Utilise a powerful search feature to quickly and efficiently find other public sector organisations across all verticals of Government that have similar requirements. This enables you to identify potential collaboration opportunities and streamline procurement processes.

Benchmark Supplier and Spend

Benchmark your organisation’s procurement activities against other public sector organisations, gaining insights into industry best practices and areas for improvement. This allows you to drive greater efficiency and achieve cost savings.

Custom Dashboard

Personalised dashboard to display key procurement metrics and insights that are most relevant to your organisation. This centralised view provides valuable information on upcoming contract renewals, facilitating informed decision-making.

Aggregation Reports

Access detailed reports that identify potential aggregation opportunities, allowing you to leverage collective buying power and achieve significant cost savings. These reports provide valuable insights into procurement trends and help optimise procurement strategies.

Dedicated Support

Receive dedicated support from our team of experts who are available to assist with any queries, provide training, and ensure you maximise the benefits of the Be Connected platform. We are committed to helping you succeed in your procurement endeavours.

Enhanced Efficiency

Streamline procurement workflows, automate manual tasks, and improve overall operational efficiency with Be Connected. By reducing time-consuming processes, your team can focus on strategic initiatives and drive organisational success.
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Across all areas of Government, there are key procurements that span various sectors. Be Connected serves as a central repository of contract and spend data, allowing our users to search and identify aggregation opportunities for upcoming contract renewals or new requirements.

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